Monday 17 August 2009

The Courtyard Performance and goodbyes

Fiona Clayton, Project Manager, writes:

The Youth Ensemble performed their hour-long version of The Winter's Tale at The Courtyard Theatre on Friday to an audience of 300+. I didn't think they could improve on Thursday night's performance, but once again they stepped up a gear and gave a gorgeous performance, one which proudced smiles, laughter and tears from the audience.
Following the post-show reception and presentation of certificates, we all returned to the rehearsal space to collect bags and say a final farewell. After more tears, hugs and goodbyes all 18 went their separate ways back to Cornwall, Whitby, Cumbria, Daventry, Stockton on Tees, Knutsford, Rugby, Surrey and London. They return to school in September as Shakespeare Youth Ambassadors, ready to continue the great work that's taken place in their school over the past 2 years. We wish them well and thank them for their enthusiasm and dedication over the past two weeks.

Friday 14 August 2009

Blogs from backstage!

During the Technical Rehearsal on Friday morning...performance minus 1 hour!

Nina: We are all extremely excited and nervous, and at the same time sad that it's all over tonight.

Katie: We are wearing moustaches!

Chloe: It's been really fun and exciting, and now I don't want to go!

Christian: Feeling nervous about going onstage, but my adrenalin will hopefully kick in, and I want to have a great time.

Patrish: These past few days have been intense. Our performance at the Dell went really well but the pressure is on for the Courtyard performance today. Can I say thank you to everyone involved for making this production a success.

Join us at the Courtyard Theatre at 3pm for the RSC Youth Ensemble's performance of The Winter's Tale.

Thursday 13 August 2009

Performance minus 25 hours!

Lisa, Youth Ensemble Chaperone, writes:

Every time I go into the rehearsal rooms I am amazed at the work that the young people are producing. They really are a super group of young people who have such a lot of energy! Whether it be social activities or a task in the rehearsal room, each and every one of the young people here give 110%! I have no doubt that they will produce an amazing performance and I hope that lots of people can come and show their support.
Keep up the good work guys!

Kayleigh, aged 14 from Cornwall, writes:

These past two weeks have been amazing and I have made fab friends! We perform today at The Dell (the RSC's outdoor space, Thursday 13th at 2pm) and again on Friday (tomorrow!) at the Courtyard Theatre (Friday 14th at 3pm). I'm going to miss everyone who we have worked with. Thank you for a fantastic time!

Emily, aged 12 from Stockton-on-Tees, writes:

I am so excited about Friday when we perform in the Courtyard Theatre - and I have to say, our costumes are so cool. I have to wear a shawl and a bum roll, and in a different scene I wear two big basket things on my hips (so funny!).

Photo by Rob Freeman

Booking information
Tickets: £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Week 2 begins

Katie, aged 15 from Cornwall, writes:

On Sunday evening (our activity day) we went bowling. Lots of people who are working with us over the two weeks came along and we all had a fun night. One highlight was when Nik threw the ball and it bounced over to the next lane. The other lady didn't look too impressed!
Christian, aged 15 from Northamptonshire, writes:

I have had a great time since I've been here. The highlights were meeting all the fellow actors that came to the Youth Ensemble, and doing all the fun games e.g. Penguin Race and Bounce, Boing, Whizz. The part I have is pretty good even though I get eaten by a bear and I don't speak that much. The Youth Ensemble is really fun and I know I'm going to miss it and all the people I've met and the experiences I've had. I'm amazed at the fact I'm going to perform in the Courtyard Theatre [Friday 14th, 3pm] - I just know it's going to be brill!

Jay, aged 14 from Surrey, writes:

Yesterday we were back at rehearsals after a very relaxing day off. In the morning we headed off to Waterside (our rehearsal space) and when we got there we did our usual daily warm up. Then we worked on the scene where one of the characters gets killed. It's weird to see a person get killed over and over again. And then in the afternoon we talked to two of the people (Kim and Gee) who took part in the Youth Ensemble last year. And finally we did a 'stumble through' of some of the play. It was great to do that because it was the first time we had seen it come together. I am so excited for the performance now! Everyone's going to do a great job! Can't wait to see what the next day brings...

Booking information
Tickets: £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

Monday 10 August 2009

The Youth Ensemble enjoys a well-deserved day off!

Chloe, aged 12 from Stockton-on-Tees, writes:

On Sunday 9th August, on our day off, we went and had a picnic on Chapel Lane after watching a really good performance called Hamlet. At 2.45pm we got on the bus to go to Mary Arden's Farm. There was a falconry display. I was the first one to hold the falcon out of all of them and I was really proud of myself. After Mary Arden's Farm we came back to the hostel to get ready to go bowling. Jay, Emily, Katie and Chris won the first round at bowling, and Lawrence, Emily, Katie and Chris won the second round. Bowling was one of my favourite activities we have done so far.

Sara, aged 15 from Knutsford, writes:

Yesterday was our day off so some of us went to watch the Gloucester Youth Players' production of Hamlet at the Dell, the RSC's outdoor theatre space. I liked the performance a lot more than I thought I would and with it being sunny it was even better. In the afternoon we all went to Mary Arden's Farm. Along with looking at the animals and the house, we went to watch a falcon display - some of us even held a Harris Hawk. I really enjoyed both the day and the sunshine!

Photos by Rob Freeman
Booking information
Tickets: £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

Sunday 9 August 2009

Saturday's rehearsals

Giz, Youth Ensemble Chaperone writes:

Here we are halfway through the process and it's amazing what the youth ensemble have achieved already. It is astounding that a week ago these people didn't know each other. These young people are grasping each opportunity they get and making the most of exceptional creative team they are working with, combining the RSC's talents with thier endless energy, enthusiasm, and imagination.
I am getting more and more excited each day at the prospect of the performance that is soon upon us and cannot wait to see the end product.

Nik, aged 13 from Daventry, writes:

Today we have been doing our play and I have 2 girls called Dorcas and Mopsa chasing me! (Clown)

Tania, aged 15 from Cumbria, writes:

It's day 9 here at the Youth Ensemble and everyone is very tired from working so hard at rehearsals. However, all our spirits are still high - as always, lots of smiley faces everywhere. One of the highlights of my time here was meeting Cicely Berry at 'Cake Friday' along with loads of other amazing people! Everyone needs to come and see our performance! [Friday, 14th August, 3pm at the Courtyard Theatre.]

Friday 7 August 2009

S Factor Party

Being in the Youth Ensemble isn't all about Shakespeare! A highlight in the programme is the legendary Superhero party!! Every actor has to design their own Superhero and perform on the S Factor catwalk in front of our S Factor judges. Here are their highlights!!! Enjoy!!