Sunday 9 August 2009

Saturday's rehearsals

Giz, Youth Ensemble Chaperone writes:

Here we are halfway through the process and it's amazing what the youth ensemble have achieved already. It is astounding that a week ago these people didn't know each other. These young people are grasping each opportunity they get and making the most of exceptional creative team they are working with, combining the RSC's talents with thier endless energy, enthusiasm, and imagination.
I am getting more and more excited each day at the prospect of the performance that is soon upon us and cannot wait to see the end product.

Nik, aged 13 from Daventry, writes:

Today we have been doing our play and I have 2 girls called Dorcas and Mopsa chasing me! (Clown)

Tania, aged 15 from Cumbria, writes:

It's day 9 here at the Youth Ensemble and everyone is very tired from working so hard at rehearsals. However, all our spirits are still high - as always, lots of smiley faces everywhere. One of the highlights of my time here was meeting Cicely Berry at 'Cake Friday' along with loads of other amazing people! Everyone needs to come and see our performance! [Friday, 14th August, 3pm at the Courtyard Theatre.]

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