Tuesday 11 August 2009

Week 2 begins

Katie, aged 15 from Cornwall, writes:

On Sunday evening (our activity day) we went bowling. Lots of people who are working with us over the two weeks came along and we all had a fun night. One highlight was when Nik threw the ball and it bounced over to the next lane. The other lady didn't look too impressed!
Christian, aged 15 from Northamptonshire, writes:

I have had a great time since I've been here. The highlights were meeting all the fellow actors that came to the Youth Ensemble, and doing all the fun games e.g. Penguin Race and Bounce, Boing, Whizz. The part I have is pretty good even though I get eaten by a bear and I don't speak that much. The Youth Ensemble is really fun and I know I'm going to miss it and all the people I've met and the experiences I've had. I'm amazed at the fact I'm going to perform in the Courtyard Theatre [Friday 14th, 3pm] - I just know it's going to be brill!

Jay, aged 14 from Surrey, writes:

Yesterday we were back at rehearsals after a very relaxing day off. In the morning we headed off to Waterside (our rehearsal space) and when we got there we did our usual daily warm up. Then we worked on the scene where one of the characters gets killed. It's weird to see a person get killed over and over again. And then in the afternoon we talked to two of the people (Kim and Gee) who took part in the Youth Ensemble last year. And finally we did a 'stumble through' of some of the play. It was great to do that because it was the first time we had seen it come together. I am so excited for the performance now! Everyone's going to do a great job! Can't wait to see what the next day brings...

Booking information
Tickets: £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

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