Wednesday 5 August 2009

Youth Ensemble members talk about their first few days

Nina, aged 17 from Whitby writes:

Today is our fourth day - I think everyone will agree that the experience so far has been amazing! As a group we get on very well despite some of the age differences, and the group work taking place in the rehearsal room is very impressive and exciting.

Today we were all told our parts in The Winter's Tale, I think they were chosen very well - we all seem to 'suit' our roles and will no doubt create some astounding characters in an excellent finishing performance!

Spending six hours a day rehearsing is extremely exhausting; however I have complete confidence that the time we spend rehearsing will pay off in our performance of The Winter's Tale and I'm looking forward to our first proper rehearsal on Thursday (despite the slight pressure of trying to learn our lines in one day!)

Tania, aged 15 from Cumbria writes:

I'm finding my time here a really enjoyable experience. I have learnt so much already and met so many amazing, inspiring people. I would urge anyone and their Granny to come to our performance on Friday 14 August at 3pm! It's going to be immense!! :-)

Booking information
Tickets £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticketTickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’sArtistic Director, Michael Boyd from 4.15 - 5pm

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