Friday 7 August 2009

After a day off, the Youth Ensemble are ready to go again!

Rochelle, aged 15 from Wimbledon, writes:

On Wednesday we had our day off and we visited the RSC Collections and saw costumes worn by the famous, such as David Tennant and Simon Callow. We also saw an actor in the flesh which was amazing. We also visited the production warehouse after a long cold wet walk to the Waterside space. What was so amazing was that we saw props eing made for the show that we're going to see on Friday. It was astonishing to see how much detail goes into the costumes.

Andy, aged 15 from Cumbria, writes:
The other day the Youth Ensemble found out our parts for our performance of The Winter's Tale [on Friday 14th August at 3pm at the Courtyard Theatre]. I am Autolycus (the funny guy!). All our rehearsals have been hard work but great fun. We have had a lot of laughs and I'm really excited to go back to rehearsals, because Wednesday was our day off. We were given a tour of the RSC's costume hire warehouse and the RSC's archive. They were both really interesting and between the tours we had a Tesco feast, yummy! I have been line-learning as well with Nik for a scene we have together. I am loving the experience and everyone is class!

Lawrence, aged 17 from Whitby, and Holly, aged 13 from Daventry, write:

We didn't realise the RSC was that big. We had a tour around the production warehouse and got to see what happened in the engineering, design, costume hire, props, woodwork and paint departments. On our tour around the archives we saw a real BAFTA and a real Oscar OMG! We also saw historic objects like David Tennant's costumes. They made us realise how much detail and planning goes into everything.

Photos by Rob Freeman

Booking information

Tickets £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

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