Monday 10 August 2009

The Youth Ensemble enjoys a well-deserved day off!

Chloe, aged 12 from Stockton-on-Tees, writes:

On Sunday 9th August, on our day off, we went and had a picnic on Chapel Lane after watching a really good performance called Hamlet. At 2.45pm we got on the bus to go to Mary Arden's Farm. There was a falconry display. I was the first one to hold the falcon out of all of them and I was really proud of myself. After Mary Arden's Farm we came back to the hostel to get ready to go bowling. Jay, Emily, Katie and Chris won the first round at bowling, and Lawrence, Emily, Katie and Chris won the second round. Bowling was one of my favourite activities we have done so far.

Sara, aged 15 from Knutsford, writes:

Yesterday was our day off so some of us went to watch the Gloucester Youth Players' production of Hamlet at the Dell, the RSC's outdoor theatre space. I liked the performance a lot more than I thought I would and with it being sunny it was even better. In the afternoon we all went to Mary Arden's Farm. Along with looking at the animals and the house, we went to watch a falcon display - some of us even held a Harris Hawk. I really enjoyed both the day and the sunshine!

Photos by Rob Freeman
Booking information
Tickets: £2 adults, £1 children, £5 family ticket
Tickets available from the RSC Box Office on 0844 800 1112
This event will be followed by a Q&A with the RSC’s Artistic Director, Michael Boyd

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